A dataset from a systematic review of interventions for pain relief in migraine (Thorlund et al. 2014) . The outcome is binary, and represents (as aggregate data) the proportion of participants who were headache-free at 2 hours. Data are from patients who had had at least one migraine attack, who were not lost to follow-up, and who did not violate the trial protocol. The dataset includes 70 Randomised-Controlled Trials (RCTs), comparing 7 triptans with placebo. Doses are standardised as relative to a "common" dose, and in total there are 23 different treatments (combination of dose and agent).



A data frame in long format (one row per arm and study), with with 181 rows and 6 variables:

  • studyID Study identifiers

  • AuthorYear The author and year published of the study

  • n Numeric data indicating the number of participants in a study arm

  • r Numeric data indicating the number of responders (headache free at 2 hours) in a study arm

  • dose Numeric data indicating the standardised dose received

  • agent Factor data indicating the agent to which participants were randomised


Thorlund K, Mills EJ, Wu P, Ramos EP, Chatterjee A, Druyts E, Godsby PJ (2014). “Comparative efficacy of triptans for the abortive treatment of migraine: a multiple treatment comparison meta-analysis.” Cephalagia. doi:10.1177/0333102413508661 , https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24108308/.